Thursday, March 4, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Bible Schools Students Burning With a Passion to Win The Lost.

God's opened up a great ministry opportunity for us. For the past 5 weeks every Wednesday night we have been working with 25 Bible School students, teaching them how to evangelize. Most of them have never led someone to the Lord or even knew how to. Because of that it's kept them from sharing their faith with others. Brenda and I have been praying and believing for God to put a burden in each student for the lost and give them a passion for soulwinning. During our fourth week after going out to the streets we took some time together with the group to share testimonies of how God used them to reach the lost. After everyone shared the Holy Spirit started ministering to each of them as they wept for souls. I believe a mark was made in their hearts that night for reaching souls. Now we are in the fifth week with one more to go. Yesterday night when we went out I took a few minutes to challenge the students and encourage them. As we left the church the students were quiet until some started praying in tongues and then before you know it the whole group erupted praying in their heavenly language,calling souls into the Kingdom. As we prayed God showed me the students as a loaded gun ready to pierce the heart of the enemy. As we drove through the city being led by the Holy Spirit where to stop at we finally came to an area and parked. It was a main street with many pedestrians and traffic. It was a dark place lined with x-rated video stores, bars and shady characters. The Holy Spirit had brought us to the perfect place! As I walked up the street I came to this man named Jose who was 29 years old. You could tell he was well known on the streets by all the people honking and waving at him. As I questioned him about his eternal destiny he knew he wasn't saved. His eyes darted everywhere as I tried to keep his attention and not write me off as just another Christian who's trying to win religious points. Eventually a friend of his named Juan who had a long ponytail and looked very Native American in appearance showed up at his side just to check us out (so  I thought) and make sure everything was ok. So after about 15 minutes we moved off the street sidewalk over to a quieter area. As me and a fellow Pastor were sharing with these two, you could tell God was moving on Juan. So I told my Pastor friend to pray with Juan. I turned to Jose and he was not as distracted and listened as I explained to him that he doesn't have to let sin keep him from knowing Jesus. I explained to him that Jesus took care of the sin issue and that he can come to God just as he is. So we prayed and Jose accepted the Lord. Juan on the other hand came back home after years of running away from God. That's why he was being touched so, is because he had an encounter with God when he was younger but turned away from him and became caught up in sin. As I made my way back to the bus I noticed all the Bible school students were speaking to people and going after the lost like it was an emergency. What joy that brought to my heart seeing that God was doing a work in these students. They were finally grasping hold of their authority in Christ and being bold to share the precious message of Salvation with others. You remember Juan? Well he told us the real reason why he came over wasn't to make sure everything was ok with his friend but instead he came over because he said, "I felt an urgency that I had to go over there and hear what you were saying to my friend Jose". So far we've had 161 people pray to receive Jesus here on the streets in Mexico. What an exciting time we live in to be demonstrators of the Power and the Love of God.


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